We got more snow yesterday. Thick, heavy, packing, snowman snow. The kind that is hard to clear away, but fun to play in. And that's what we did ☺
Where'd the driveway go? |
When I was a kid, we made a giant snow bear based on a figurine. This inspired me to want to make snow creatures with the kids.
He was about 4 feet tall |
It was hard to see the snow creatures in the pictures, so I had to darken the pictures and that wasn't so great for seeing the kids! So I copied the kid in the picture, darkened the picture, and then pasted the non-darkened part with the kid in it!
Andy with his horse. |
William with his hippos (mom and baby) |
Emily with her unicorns (also a mom and baby) |
The green in the snow is Emily's St. Patrick's Day necklace |
Sarah with her triceratops |
Our Snow Zoo |
Very cute. :) Caleb built an igloo - it actually worked without caving in!
Ahh, and this is why our kids miss snow! :)
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