We were at Grandma's and decided to try some more Kool-Aid dyeing. We started with about 4 ounces of a dark greenish yarn to see what that would end up with.
Here are my lovely assistants holding the undyed yarn.

Here we're adding the 3 cups of water and 1 cup of vinegar to a large zippy bag.

Next came 4 packages of Kool-Aid.

Mix it all up!
Emily is having a ball!!

The yarn is in the bag with the dye now.

Putting the yarn outside on the cement to "cook".

Closeup showing the yarn in the bag with the dye mixture.

Yarn #2 all done! We left it outside for almost 3 hours.
This is our finished yarn with the beginning colored yarn on top. It ended up browner than we expected. We were thinking more of a cranberry color.

This is the natural color of the yarn we used for our 3rd attempt.

This is the dye all ready. This time we only used 1½ cups of water and ½ cup of vinegar and 2 packages of Kool-Aid. (that was all we had in blue and Sarah requested blue!)

We decided that the dye mixture stayed around the yarn better when the bags were hanging.

Here's the finished yarn for attempt number 3! This one "cooked" for about 2½ hours.
This is the closeup with the natural color on top.
Emily was very interested in my attempts to take a picture of the finished yarn. She kept trying to use the towel to wrap up a doll! (you can see Kimberly's feet in the lower left corner)
Here are all 3 of our yarns laid out next to each other.