
The younger 3 kids helping me make peanut butter pies.


I brought my camera to my mom's house on Thursday, but didn't take any pictures!
Saturday, we went to Edmore for Thanksgiving for the extended family (on my mom's side)

William was "baby sitting" Samantha.


Emily had fun with Samantha, too, and was concerned she was missing every time she wasn't in her carseat.

cousins :)
(Victoria, Sarah, Katherine)
When we got home from Edmore, we put up the Christmas tree.

William directing the work.

Emily (these were taken by Sarah)

Andrew's help consisted of taking ornaments off the tree, and in this case, eating it (it was yarn)



playing with the hands-on-nativity I made (and still need to finish!)
(I'm not sure what Andy's look was!)