It isn't a very big set of bunk beds, but the room is small and the ceilings low, so they fit in the room well.

It didn't come with a ladder, so for now, Sarah has to climb over the end.

Emily all snuggled in on the bottom bunk. (She would probably do okay without a rail, but she's never slept in a bed all night without one yet)

We also got 2 bookshelves from Menards for the girls' books and toys. I'm going to make new curtains, too, but hadn't gotten them done, yet.
The girls look all snuggly in their new beds. Love Ya, Mom
Fun! We're in the process of searching out bunkbeds for our girls. Naomi is getting kind of big for her toddler bed...
It's funny how our families seem to be doing parallel things...
* We bought a larger vehicle at auction, you bought a larger vehicle at auction.
* We bought a bench for ours at a junkyard, you bought a bench for yours at a junkyard.
* You bought bunkbeds for your girls at the same time we're looking for bunkbeds for our girls.
It's kinda fun! Looks like the girls are feeling like big girls in their new beds! :)
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