Here is my progress on my Nativity for the kids.

I had to pin all the headdresses, trim, faces, and etc before I could sew them.

The original used felt for the faces, hands, and beards, but I wanted something that was more durable/washable, so that meant I had to turn under the edges for the fabric faces!

I decided to embroider the animals after they were sewn so I'd know where the features needed to go.
Here they are all sewn.

The next step is to embroider on the faces.
You are a very ambitious, talented woman! The Nativity scenes will be treasures.
You are mom had something like that for us when my brother and I were kids...I will always remember that as apart of my childhood christmas expierence.
Looks cute! (And like a *lot* of work!) But I'm sure your kiddos will *love* playing with them! :)
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