Emily isn't sleeping in an unusual position, but she picks strange toys to sleep with!

This isn't Will's most unusual way of sleeping, but this is how he was sleeping when I took everyone else's pictures.

While I was tucking all the other kids into bed, I sat Andrew down into the bend of Dan's knees. When I came back, he was asleep!

They are all cute no matter how they sleep. Love Ya All, Mom/Grandma
Love the sleeping pics, Becky! Andrew's were especially cute! :) It always amazes me the various positions kids can fall asleep in... :)
I started the picture taking with the ones of Andrew because he was so cute sleeping like that. Then when I went to check on the girls, I saw how Sarah was sleeping and decided to take pictures of everyone!
How sweet they slumber! Is does make you wonder how comfortable they are, doesn't it? *chuckles*
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