Andrew is 5 months old today. I took 32 pictures and didn't get any particularly great pictures. He can be all smiles and then I get out the camera and he stops!

Today, he was especially interested in his shoes!

I thought maybe he'd be less interested in his feet, if I took off his shoes. Nope!
These pictures are cute even if he isn't smiling. Love Ya, Mom
Children are so adorable though, regardless of how cooperative they are in the taking of photos. My youngest is now 28. At Christmas we were looking at videos where he was 7. Took me right back....
He is so precious--it's fun to see him interested in his feet, etc! Thanks for posting!
Playing with feet is something 5 months old do best! So I think you captured his progression and cuteness just perfectly. :)
Re: Ruuska Village
It is true that all the children have identified adoptive families. Not all have their adoptions completed yet, however.
Sometimes, it's nice to see "natural" face pictures. The second one is my favorite. :) The all smiles until the camera comes out thing reminds me of trying to get Peter's 4-month picture. It was tough coaxing a smile out of him that day!
I like the pictures of Andrew, but he has such a cute smile, I'd have liked to have caught it on film! The 2nd picture is my favorite also and the one I put on the wall.
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