Andrew was 3 months old on Monday, Nov. 9th. We usually go to Olan Mills for their free "New Baby" package, but this time, they said it was going to cost $6 for a session fee. We have never paid anything with any of the other 3 kids. I decided I didn't want to pay $6 for 11 pictures and went to Wal-Mart's Picture Me studio and paid $8 for 30 pictures instead!

I did want a few of the other poses, but they are so expensive! So I took a few (more like 40 pictures) at home!
I wanted Andrew to wear this outfit home from the hospital, but I couldn't find the pants (a whole box got mislabeled as 3-6 months).
I couldn't get him to stop looking at Emily and look at the camera! But it's a cute shot anyway!

When I turned him so you could see the little bear on his back pocket, he was getting tired and didn't want to hold up his head!

So tired!

He wasn't in a very smiley mood!
I decided to get some shots of the other kids while I had the backdrop out.



Emily took a picture of some stuffed animals.
William wanted a picture of his doll.

He wanted in on the picture, too!

Emily wanted Andrew to wear one of her outgrown dresses as "his Civil War dress". The picture makes it look like he was protesting wearing a dress (see him pulling at the front), but he actually just wanted to eat and sleep and was fussing about anything else!
Those are some cute pictures & just as good as you could get at Wal Mart or any where else. Love Ya All, Mom/Grandma
adorable pictures of all the children! so cute!
I can't believe it has been three months already...where does the time go?
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