I wanted to do pictures of Andrew today because he's 2 months old, but he wanted to sleep! So I took some of him sleeping!

He was in a better mood later after his nap!

I rolled him over to show the cow jumping over the moon on his butt and....
he fell asleep again!
Aw, Becky, he's so cute! Pudgy little cheeks...
How is it possible that it's already been 2 months since he was born? Wow, does the time fly...
Amy :)
Those are cute pictures! That outfit is adorable! :)
It isn't very easy to see the nursery rhyme characters all over the outfit, but when I saw it, I snatched it up since it fit Andrew's "theme". I always take one months' picture of the kids with the blanket that Mom made them and I coordinate the outfit with the blanket.
That's so funny! (Him falling asleep again). :) I can't believe it's been two months already either. Enjoy him! :) (This is Lisa, not Dean, just in case you were wondering). :)
He looks so much like you in these photos! Cute little dimples, shining smile...
Those are cute pictures fo a cutie. Sure has been a fast two months. Love Ya, Grandpa & Grandma
Awww...what a cute lil' sweetie pie! :)
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