This tatted sleigh was entered in "Christmas Decoration" and got 1st place
Cookie Monster was entered under "Recycled Garment" and got 1st place.
I brought some of the things I'd made for Easter.
My skirt was entered under "Adult Garment" and got 2nd place. 1st place was a purse (you can see a little bit of it in the bottom right corner). A purse is a garment???



I made a pair of mittens to go with my R2D2 hat since the category was "Hat or Scarf with Mittens". It got 1st place.

My crocheted baby shoes were entered under "Any other crocheted item" and got 2nd. 1st was a pair of crocheted bears.

I was thinking that my puppet would do the best and it did the worst! I only got "Participation" for it! I had to enter her under "Any other craft not listed" as under sewing, the "other" category says "Any other garment" and a puppet isn't a garment. But after seeing a purse entered as a garment, maybe I should have!
I can't figure out how they thought my homemade puppet that I sewed with my own pattern was less worthy than the things who placed.....

2nd place, a poster describing a model hot air balloon. I could see if the actual balloon was there, but a poster?
I realize I'm a little biased, but I was disappointed that all the work I put in wasn't appreciated!
We happened to go on "Children's Day" and got a bunch of cool free things and the girls played on the bouncy dragon.

Andrew hugging a calf


I had never seen a two colored sheep before!
Must make an interesting fleece!

I have seen similiarly colored goats, though!

Sarah was petting the animals more than last year and Emily was petting them less! (although Emily wasn't feeling well that morning)

Great job!!Thanks for sharing.
Linda M
I don't understand the Open Class judges. One year I entered paintings of mine, all under different categories: portrait, landscape, still life, etc. They each were pretty much alone in their respective categories, yet all my paintings got judged together against each other even though they were in different categories. So I got one 1st, one 2nd, one 3rd, and the rest were "Place". >:( They don't understand the work it takes to create things either. Maybe they thought you just bought the puppet and dressed it up??
Still, I'm glad that at least some of your things were recognized for the quality they are. :)
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