Tuesday, June 22, 2021

"Donkey Devos: Listen When God Speaks" by Susah K. Stewart -- Epic Book Launch Excerpt

About the Book

Book:  Donkey Devos: Listen When God Speaks

Author: Susan K. Stewart

Genre: Devotional

Release date: July 15, 2021

Did you know the Bible mentions only two talking animals? Each of these creatures had a different message. The first to speak out was the serpent. This character certainly wasn’t a model. If God was using this snake for a test drive, I can see why he kept the mouths of the other animals closed. This snake in the grass spoke words meant for evil. Later God allowed another animal to speak—the lowly donkey. The beast of burden. This time the animal had words of wisdom.

Susan K. Stewart expected dogs, cats, and the occasional goldfish would be all the pets she’d need—until the day Susan met donkeys at a rescue center. A few years after that fateful visit, three donkeys became part of the Stewart family. Susan soon learned these humble creatures are still messengers of wisdom.

Donkey Devos is a collection of forty pearls Susan has learned from spending time learning about her equine friends and chatting with them. She uses her experiences, donkey facts, and Biblical donkey details to share the truths God has taught. The whole family will delight in the donkey tales with a message from God.


Donkey Devos Excerpt Two

We don’t have to be Balaams. What can we do to not be Balaams?

  1. This may seem silly to say: Listen to God. God spoke directly to Balaam. Oh, how many times I’ve wished to hear directly from the mouth of God. My goodness, I’d accept an email. I like to think that, unlike Balaam, I would heed God’s direction. 

  2. After hearing God’s word, follow his direction. How many times does God speak to us in various ways, but we don’t heed? Whether it’s one of the big commandments, like don’t steal or murder, or a small thing, like don’t go to that town, pay attention and do as he says.

  3. Follow God’s instructions completely. Too often we pick the parts we like and ignore the ones we don’t. Partial obedience can land us in a mess with only one way out—obeying God fully, which we should have done in the fir st place.

  4. Stay away from the evil influence. When God told Balaam to send Balak’s representatives’ home, he meant what he said. Evil is in this world around us. Once we tell iniquity to leave our domain, we don’t have to invite it back.


Purchase Link: https://amzn.to/3uUgwUI


Susan K. Stewart didn’t expect to become a “donkey whisper,” as some of her neighbors say. One day God put her in a herd of donkeys, and it was love at first bray. Susan and her husband Bob live in Central Texas with their three dogs, three cats, numerous chickens, and inspiring donkeys. They have three children and six outstanding grandchildren. Susan’s passion is to inspire readers with practical, real-world solutions and a few donkey stories.

1 comment:

Grace said...

In addition to the Word, one of the ways God speaks to me is through repetition. Where something am supposed to do comes up over and over until I take notice and take heed ����.