Monday, July 13, 2020

"The Ring Does Not Fit" by Sunshine Rodgers -- Author Interview, Blog Tour, and Giveaway

About the Book

Book:  The Ring Does Not Fit
Author: Sunshine Rodgers
Genre: Romance, Fiction, Christian, Fantasy
Release Date: November 19, 2019
Alena is stuck in a mundane marriage and longing for somethingfront cover
different. New clothes. Bigger bling. Flashy cars. Miraculously and
inexplicably, it all happens in a flash and she is finally married to
the man of her dreams, but something still seems to be missing. In all
her excitement, the one thing she’s looking for is the one thing she
can’t seem to keep.

Click here to get your copy!

Author Interview:
Q: Do you set a plot or prefer going wherever an idea takes you?

 A: I generally just use  a one liner or one  sentence to create the entire storyline for the book. For example, in "The Ring Does Not Fit" the idea was..."A Nonbeliever married to a Christian finds God in an unlikely way."

Then my passionate internal response is...."And go!"

As if I am acting out an improv scene and I need to make the idea come to life right on the spot!  

And  I just start writing. No critic. No judgements.  I don't develop characters. In fact, I don't even know who my characters are until I start writing.  I don't create a story map. My first draft is a tremendously different book than the one that is is actually published. Truthfully, the ideas for the story occur to me as I write. I will then use the later drafts of my book to go back and delete lines, change characters or fill in the plot holes, usually  after around Draft #12. 

Q:  Do you need to be in a specific place or room to write, or you can just sit in the middle of a café full of people and write?

A:         I am able to write my novels in any location. I have been known to finish chapters at odd hours of the night or  write ideas during my lunch break in the office or read and edit pages with tons of noisy chatter around me. I can "get in the zone" pretty quickly. But my all time favorite location is my personal workspace  at home. I close the door, turn on the ceiling fan, sit in my comfy chair.  It's just me and my computer.  I listen to movie soundtracks (music without lyrics) to keep my mind entertained and my spirit active. I allow myself an hour to write and then take a 10 minute break and then write for another hour. And the trend continues. I am someone who needs to take a break by getting up and walking around and also someone who is disciplined enough to continue writing through the day and well into the evening.

Q: When did it dawn upon you that you wanted to be a writer?
 A: In Miss Bond’s class in first grade of Shady Grove Elementary, our  assignment was to write and illustrate a book. Mine was titled “The Bear Who Lost His House.”
I wrote about the friendships the bear made that would help him “find his way.” When I was 9 years old, I started writing in a journal and  fast forward 23 years later, and I still write in a journal.

I remember back in college, I started writing creative adventures about Angels, God, Satan and demons (the characters I currently use!).  English was always my favorite subject; it just came naturally for me. It’s still a continual passion.

Honestly, writing a book was always on my bucket list and ever since I held my first book in my hand, I knew I had found my life's calling.

Q: How long does it usually take you to write a book?

       A:   From first word to completed book in hand...the process for me takes about 9 months. My goal is to publish 2 books a year. So I want to keep the process moving and carve out efficient time for my chapters. I have an internal mission to complete my 2-books-a-year goal and will sit and write days at a time in pursuit of my personal deadline. There have been plenty of times in the past where I was juggling two or three books at a time, finishing up one and starting another in the very same day. 

Q:  Do bits of yourself/friends show up in your characters?

A: I am very guilty of using real people for my stories.
In fact, for my best selling  book “After You: A Demon is Always Lurking Nearby”, I
used seven of my friends as characters. They had to sign release

And for the book I am working on now, tentavely called "The Characters Within", I am
using 36 of my co-workers as characters on the pages.

So I definitely draw from reality. And I love it! It’s like I can
create a memorial with my friends and loved ones on the pages and
allow them the satisfaction of moving through this journey with me.

And my husband, Travis, is always an "Easter egg" character in all of my books!

About the Author

Sunshine Rodgers is an International Best-Selling author, speaker and
motivator who excels in sharing the hope and light of the gospel in
her books. Her characters experience the love and grace of Jesus
Christ and the beauty of Heaven. Sunshine hopes her pages will get you
passionate about your faith. Her books have been made into audio books
and translated in different languages. Her social media sites and
personal blog reach thousands of readers a week. Sunshine has appeared
in magazines, newspapers and live media interviews and is working on
her merchandise line (available on her website!). Sunshine now enjoys
her days traveling for signings, author events, speaking engagements
and book tours.

More from Sunshine

“Why are we never satisfied?  I mean, we can have
houses, cars and money and still want more! If I were to break it
down, I would have to say…insecurity.  Maybe we feel like we’re not good
enough. I don’t know about you, but I compare myself with others
all the time just by looking at social media and feeling like I don’t
measure up.
My book “The Ring Does Not Fit” concentrates on appreciating what is right in front of you,
celebrating those who are still with you and staying humble.
Because the grass is not always greener on the other side and there
is always more going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about.
I wanted to explore the issue of contentment  in my book.
The only way to really get over any personal frustration
and constant comparison  is to have
an attitude of thanksgiving and praise where you are thankful
for what you have, no matter how little or big it is.
That’s the first step to loving life.”
– Sunshine Rodgers

Blog Stops

Quiet quilter, July 8
Through the Fire Blogs, July 10 (Author Interview)
Blossoms and Blessings, July 13 (Author Interview)
For the Love of Literature, July 17 (Author Interview)
Andrea Carmen, July 17
Quiet Workings, July 18
Artistic Nobody, July 21 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)


To celebrate her tour, Sunshine is giving away the grand prize of a $40 Visa card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Sunshine Rodgers said...

Thank you so much for this Author Interview! So much fun! - Sunshine

Caryl Kane said...

Enjoyed the Q&A! Sounds like a must read.

Debbie P said...

This sounds like a really great read.

James Robert said...

I appreciate getting to hear about a new book. Thanks so much for taking time to share.