Friday, October 11, 2024

"Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You" by Keon Lindsey -- Author Interview

About the Book

Book: Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You

Author: Keon Lindsey

Genre: Bible Study/Devotional

Release date: March 15, 2024

Who is God?  Does He care about you?  What does He want you to know?  What is your purpose on Earth?  Why is your life not perfect?  Is there any hope in this out-of-control world?  Can you actually know God?

Have You Heard from God Lately?  30 Messages from Heaven to You helps you discover the answers to these all-important questions.  The messages are organized to progressively build your understanding of the God of the universe so that you can relate to Him.  Why?  He wants to give you the wonderful life you were made for but cannot reach without Him.


Click here to get your copy!

Author Interview 

1. Why did you choose to write about this particular topic?
In September 2019, I took a new look at my favorite book in the Bible, Hebrews. For the first
time, I prayed through it—that is, reading a few verses, thinking about the meaning, and basing
prayers on the meaning. When I started Hebrews 2, a warning caught my attention. That is, if
the messages God gave through angels were 100 percent true, and Jesus who is superior to all
angels came to bring us the message of salvation, we had better pay attention. That made me
think about the messages God had given leading up to and after Jesus. Those messages are
vital for life on and after Earth, so I wanted to capture some and share them with others.

2. How do you balance writing time with other things?
Finding time to write is a challenge. I have a job and family that need time and attention so I
have to carve out minutes for writing when I can. Typically, I’ll do that early in the morning while
the house is still quiet. You might find it hard to believe, but I wrote Have You Heard from God
Lately? in 15-30 minute increments over 18 months!

3. What types of research do you do?
Since I write Bible based books, most of my research is looking for passages in God’s Word that
relate to my theme or outline. There is also a fair amount of investigating word meanings and
passage context using Bible dictionaries and commentaries. I take the Bible very seriously so it
is important for me to accurately convey and discuss the amazing things God has said.

4. How long does the researching stage usually take?
Once I have a book idea, I’ll do initial research for maybe two weeks. I’ll use that information as
a basis for major themes and research more as I write individual chapters. Sometimes I’ll have
to stop writing for several days to investigate a subject in more detail to ensure the chapter is
accurate and fits with larger themes.

5. Was there anything you found particularly interesting while researching?
Yes, I was fascinated that the Lord told us multiple times in both Old Testament and New
Testament that He is the only God. Why is this important? The Bible tells us that it is highly
offensive to the Lord if we worship anything or anyone else, even if we put ourselves in His
place. Because the Lord is the only God, the only Creator, and the only Savior, He deserves
our love, our worship, our loyalty, and our obedience.

6. Do you have any usual writing habits?
Some readers may find it interesting that in this electronic age, I still write my outlines and first
draft by hand. Physically writing my thoughts lets me get them down faster without concern over
spelling, grammar, and readability. Once I’m done with the draft, I’ll read it to my computer and
let it do the initial typing. Even though I have to make a ton of corrections to the talk-to-text
version it gives me a platform to consider readability. I’ll usually read and update the typed
version twice before I let anyone else see the draft book.

About the Author

“Throughout my life God has been the source of my success and my sustainment in failure.  I’ve experienced His great love and want others to know the joy that He provides.”

Keon Lindsey is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Pilot, PMP, Business Finance Expert, Black Belt in Karate, and has a master’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering. More importantly, he has studied the Bible over 40 years and taught Bible studies for adults and youth.

Keon writes to inspire others to dig into God’s Word and find satisfaction for their souls. His first book, Seeking the Lord, a 30 Day Start to Your Journeywas published in 2020. His second book Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You was released in 2024.

More from Keon

How would you like to get a personal letter from someone? Most people like real mail, especially if its from a person who truly cares about you. What if that letter not only shared their affection but it revealed the answers to some of life’s most profound questions? God has written you such a letter, the Bible! Actually, the Bible is a collection of all God’s written messages to you.

This fact was impressed on me as I read the New Testament book of Hebrews. It opens with a bold statement. God had given messages to humanity in ancient times through prophets and angels. Finally, God sent Jesus, the Ultimate Messenger with the ultimate message that is vital for every person.

This captured my attention and made me wonder how the previous messages in the Bible led up to Jesus and His message? Researching that question took me on an exciting journey of discovery, encouragement, and warning in God’s Word. The result is my book, Have You Heard from God Lately?  It summarizes major Bible themes to help you navigate the amazing Book. I hope it inspires you to open God’s letter and realize just how much He cares for you!

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 9

An Author’s Take, October 10

Blossoms and Blessings, October 11 (Author Interview)

Godly Book Reviews, October 11

Artistic Nobody, October 12 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 13

Inspired by Fiction, October 14

Stories By Gina, October 15 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, October 16

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, October 17 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 18

Guild Master, October 19 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, October 19

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 20

A Reader’s Brain, October 21 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 22


To celebrate his tour, Keon is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

"When the Mountain Crumbled" by Angela K. Couch


About the Book

Book: When the Mountain Crumbled (A Day to Remember Book 4)

Author: Angela K Couch

Genre: Historical Christian Fiction

Release date: September, 2024

Though Mountains Crumble, Hope Is Not Buried

Enjoy a series of 6 exciting novels featuring historic disasters that transformed landscapes and multiple lives. Whether by nature or by man, these disasters changed history and were a day to be remembered.

Discipline and rules are the foundation on which Samantha Ingles has built her life—the life of a spinster schoolteacher in a small mining town in the Canadian Rockies. All that crumbles from her grasp when part of a mountain crashes down on their community.

Constable David Harty has little patience for the strict schoolmarm but has no choice but to leave his three young nieces in her care while he tries to discover the fate of his brother. Already, the girls have lost their mother and brothers to the landslide and require comfort and love while they await the fate of their father, possibly buried in the coal mine.

With the mountain looming over their heads threatening more lives, and the town scrambling to save who they can from the rubble, can hearts find healing—both for their own sakes and the children in their care?


Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts 

I found this book to be well written. It has been a fascinating series for me to read. I didn't know about most of the disasters and it has been interesting to learn about them. The book had a nice biblical faith thread which was nice. It was heartening to see the girls and Samantha heal from their heartbreaks. I look forward to reading more books in this series as well as other books by Angela K. Couch.

About the Author

To keep from freezing in the great white north, Angela K Couch cuddles under quilts with her laptop. Winning short story contests, being a semi-finalist in ACFW’s Genesis Contest, and a finalist in the 2016 International Digital Awards also helped warm her up. As a passionate believer in Christ, her faith permeates the stories she tells. Her martial arts training, experience with horses, and appreciation for good romance sneak in as well. When not writing, she stays fit (and toasty warm) by chasing after five munchkins.



More from Angela

Around 4:10 am on April 29th, 1903, approximately 110 million metric tonnes of limestone broke from the side of Turtle Mountain and crashed down into the Crowsnest Valley, burying ranches, camps, an active coal mine, and a part of the town of Frank. What has come to be known as “Frank Slide” was the deadliest landslide in North American recorded history, claiming the lives of more than seventy people.

I first visited Frank Slide as a child, as it is located only an hour’s drive from my home. All I remember from that experience was the heaps of rocks and boulders, and the story of the mine-horse named Charlie. When driving through the Crowsnest Pass as an adult, I began to appreciate the terror of that night and the horrible loss of life. Not until expanding my research while writing this story, did the miracles of Frank shine through everything horrible that happened. That became the focus of my story, When the Mountain Crumbled.

I find our own lives follow a similar pattern. Tragedy, hardship, sickness and disappointment… but do we see the miracles?

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, October 2

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 2

Life on Chickadee Lane, October 3

Betti Mace, October 4

Lighthouse Academy Blog, October 5 (Guest Review from Marilyn)

Devoted To Hope, October 6

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 6

Texas Book-aholic, October 7

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 8

Tell Tale Book Reviews, October 9

Bizwings Book Blog, October 9

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 10

Holly’s Book Corner, October 11

Blossoms and Blessings, October 11

An Author’s Take, October 12

Cover Lover Book Review, October 13

Mary Hake, October 13

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 14

Pause for Tales, October 15

Connie’s History Classroom, October 15


To celebrate her tour, Angela is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

I got a free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own and given voluntarily. No compensation was received for my review. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

" The Way of the Shepherd" by Danny Davis - Epic Book Launch

About the Book

Book: The Way of The Shepherd. From Anxiety to Assurance: Embracing the Timeless Wisdom

of Psalm 23

Author: Danny Davis

Genre: Christian Living

Release date: September 24, 2024

Through Psalm 23’s timeless wisdom, we uncover the path to unshakable

peace in a chaotic world.

In the grip of anxiety, when hope seems distant, the Shepherd's Psalm reveals a life-changing

journey that leads us from fear into a serene landscape of trust and tranquility, where our lives

are filled with peace that surpasses understanding.

Key benefits of reading The Way of The Shepherd:

 Explore the transformative power of Psalm 23 and how to apply its wisdom to your life

 Identify and overcome the roadblocks that have been hindering your peace

 Learn practical, Scripture-based strategies to surrender to the leading of the Good


 Find refuge from fear, worry, and anxiety through inspiring real-life stories of those who

have found peace

Don't let fear and anxiety dictate your life. Unlock the power of Psalm 23 and reclaim your peace


Book Excerpt

This separation is not just a theological idea; it signifies the spiritual disconnect between our human nature and

God’s perfection. As a result, we find ourselves at odds with God, distanced from His perfect presence, and unable

to reconcile with Him.

Isaiah describes humans as wayward animals who chase their ways (Isaiah 53:6). God promises to lay our sinfulness

on Jesus Christ, allowing us to reconcile with the Father—a reconciliation we are utterly incapable of accomplishing

through our power, wisdom, or abilities.

The good news is that through Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross, we can move from being enemies of God to becoming

His beloved children. Through faith in Jesus, we can experience forgiveness of sins, restoration, and reconciliation

with the Creator. Our pre-conversion hatred of God serves as a contrast, highlighting the transformative power of

His love.

At its core, reconciliation signifies restoring a fractured relationship, prominently exemplified by the rift between

humanity and God. This chasm originated with the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, ushering

sin into the world and erecting an insurmountable barrier between us and our Creator. Yet, God’s love and mercy

refused to leave us trapped in this state of separation.

Missed Any Excerpts, Go Here

Excerpt One:
Excerpt Two:
Excerpt Three:
Excerpt Four:
Excerpt Five:
Excerpt Six:
Excerpt Seven:



About the Author

Dr. Danny Davis is an author and global Christian missionary who has devoted his life to

empowering individuals and communities. Drawing from over thirty years of ministry

experience, he equips leaders and plants churches in East Africa alongside his wife, Sherry.

Through his powerful and insightful writing, Davis encourages and motivates readers to

strengthen their faith and live purposeful lives.

Monday, October 7, 2024

"Immortal Abyss" by Katherine Briggs -- Author Interview


About the Book

Book: Immortal Abyss (Duology Book 2)

Author: Katherine Briggs

Genre: YA Fantasy

Release date: September 17, 2024

Seize the throne. Seek the legend and conquer the Abyss.

Nations rise and fall in the aftermath of war over the Eternity Gate. The corrupted desert throne stands empty, and the Immortal Abyss awakens. Drought ravages the continent, and people long for the rebirth of a starpalm, who will rise from among mortals and end their judgment.

Orphaned at birth, Tol grew up hiding in the farthest corners of the desert, training under powerful rebel fire wielders. She now dedicates her life to the Rebellion’s cause to seize the throne and Abyss from the surviving dynasty and deliver both to the coming deity.

Chosen as the Rebellion’s messenger, she travels to reach sympathizers capable of identifying the starpalm. Familiar figures haunt her dreams, and her path twists with every step she takes. Can Tol fulfill her purpose and summon a legend? Or will her country perish under the judgment of the twin gates?


Click here to get your copy!

Author Interview 

1. What is your favorite part about writing?
First off, thank you so much, Becky, for interviewing me!

My favorite part about writing is probably brainstorming, writing a really fun scene,
or seeing the story come together into a cohesive whole while editing. Is it okay if I
have three favorites? ;) If I had to choose one of those, I would go with editing. I find
that my characters and world sharpen and begin to breathe with life at this stage,
perhaps because of the opportunity to hone details, deepen character actions, and add
layers to how they react to story events.

2. Do you have a way to keep track of your story ideas?
I used to keep all my ideas in one notebook and then transfer these scribblings to
computer files. I still do, but I finally began giving story ideas their own notebooks.
These days there are up to three small journal notebooks nearby at a time, each
focused on a different idea. This is working much better for me than putting
everything into one big notebook. Of course, some pages hold the random “Where
does this belong?” idea, and I trust those musings will get their own notebooks
someday too.

3. When did you become a writer?
I became a writer when I was three years old. I colored pictures of animals and their
adventures—even made-up monsters—into spiral notebooks with crayons and then
asked my mom to help me write down the words. That was such a gift.

4. Where do you get your ideas for your books?
My book ideas usually come from seeing or experiencing something in my own life
and then asking, “What if?” If a “what if” question helps me see our real lives more
clearly or with greater perspective, then I know I’m on to something good. Those are
the ideas I tend to chase, those and ideas that are just plain fun or hold meaning that is
immediately apparent, usually some truth that I can visualize being displayed in a
way that is fresh to me.

5. Do bits of yourself/friends show up in your characters?
Yes. I know some writers seek this intentionally and some writers promise to never
base any parts of their stories on people they know. I think including aspects from our
real lives into our stories is inevitable, and the key is to be as aware as possible when
we do so. That way, we can treat things with respect and nuance, helping whatever
we’ve experienced in real life to flow smoothly with the rest of the story world. For
example, I enjoy learning new languages and traveling. In The Immortal Abyss, the
main character Tol is also learning a new language and must travel across her country
Celebrate Lit – The Immortal Abyss – Becky Dempsey
and to new lands to accomplish her quest. Tol also has an incredible gifting in fire
that she struggles to control, and this was inspired by watching my sister, a talented
professional ballet dancer, battle to overcome a muscle weakness associated with
hyper flexibility in her knees. My sister is an overcomer, and so is Tol.

Thank you for the interview opportunity, Becky!
~ Katherine Briggs

About the Author

Katherine Briggs crafted her first monster story at age three. Since graduating from crayons to laptop, she continues to devour and weave fantasy tales while enjoying chai tea. She, her coadventurer husband, and rescue dog reside outside Houston, where she classically educates amazing middle school students, teaches ESL to adults, and enjoys studying other languages.





More from Katherine

Hello friend!

Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t overcome something difficult in your life? Maybe it was a bad habit you wanted to outgrow, a closed door you wished to open, or a choice you needed to make.

Within God’s will, Jesus in Matthew 19:26 says, “With God, all things are possible.” (ESV)

This is why I wrote The Immortal Abyss. Like you, I have felt stuck in my limitations and circumstances. My protagonist Tol, an orphan, strives to carve a new life for herself by joining a rebellion and bringing reform to her corrupted country. But how can she serve her cause if she can’t overcome her weakness in her fire gifting?

Like Tol, we can’t rise above challenges alone. So, what do we do?

  • Ask God for help and thank Him for promising to never abandon us.
  • Seek friends who will reciprocate spurring one another on to persevere.
  • Remain focused on our purpose.

If you’re looking for an adventure fantasy that will encourage you to never give up on what is good, please enjoy The Immortal Abyss, sequel to The Eternity Gate and conclusion to The Threshold Duology.

Cheers to journeying across forbidden lands, meeting new friends, taming dragons, and overcoming the impossible!

~ Katherine Briggs

P.S. If this encouraged you, please join my story newsletter by visiting my website. As a welcome gift, you also will receive my science fiction and fantasy short story collection, Experiments and Enchantment.

Blog Stops

The Lofty Pages, September 28

Artistic Nobody, September 29 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, September 29

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 30

Inspired by Fiction, October 1

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 2

A Reader’s Brain, October 3 (Author Interview)

Simple Harvest Reads, October 4 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 5

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, October 6 (Author Interview)

Blossoms and Blessings, October 7 (Author Interview)

Min Reads and Reviews, October 7

Inklings and notions, October 8

Fiction Book Lover, October 9 (Author Interview)

Guild Master, October 10 (Author Interview)

Denise L. Barela, October 11 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Katherine is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card and a hardcover copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

"Collision Course" by Millie Norwich Inman -- Author Interview


About the Book

Book: Collision Course

Author: Millie Norwich Inman

Genre: Historical Fiction

Release date: January 17, 2024

The shocking death of the popular Prince of Wales launches his young heir from innocent childhood into a roiling caldron of jealousy and intrigue. Set in all the glory of eighteenth century England, the young crown prince is urgently prepared for his aged grandfather’s throne.  Under the wing of his godly mentor, the prince staggers through a minefield of hazards.

Parallel to the prince’s journey, is the story of a down-and-out firebrand statesman, considering retirement from the House of Commons because he’s under the king’s extreme disfavor. An alliance between the two ensures the prince’s safe ascension. It also renders his godly mentor and the statesman, the two most powerful men in Great Britain. Then, in the face of escalating war, a shocking twist changes everything.

Collision Course is a slice of real history with real people fleshed out and facing the real challenges of living in a fallen world.  It shatters stereotypes as it treks through England’s finest gardens and dines with kings and statesmen all the while peering into the universal nature of the human soul and the heartbeat of corrupted constitutional government. This is the true, untold story of alliance, ambition, betrayal, war, loss, and recovery that set the world stage for the American Revolution.


Click here to get your copy!

Author Interview 

1) Do you consider yourself a pantster or a plotter?
I’m more comfortable as a plotter. This is my first book and it’s based on a true story so the plot
is inherent. Only the scenes are fictionalized. I tend to have a destination in mind. When I wrote
nonfiction articles freelance, an idea was queried and developed before I wrote it.

2)What is your favorite part of writing?
I think teaching. I’m didactic by nature. Writing is a platform that offers the verbose a satisfying
mic. We just pray we have great editors and something worthy to convey. I think my favorite,
favorite part of writing is conveying word pictures and pulling off real humor. But my favorite,
favorite, favorite part of writing is conveying eternal messages couched in a real-life story. I’ve
had the joy of experiencing all my favorites while writing Collision Course. This story has
passages to evoke the awe in creation, passages to make you laugh, passages to inspire the saved,
passages that should convict the unsaved, and several mentions of judgment that should frighten
the wicked.
Oh my Gosh, I almost forgot how much joy I had writing the love story between William Pitt
and Hester Grenville. It always brings me to tears. Which reminds me, I also took pleasure from
being able to convey the excruciating reality of a battle scene in Hanover and the agony of the
Commander-General the Duke of Cumberland, the king’s son. The two graphic war chapters
were cut. But I guess I just love writing.

3) What is your least favorite part of writing?
Marketing. And bookkeeping:( I never thought about that while I was having all that fun writing.

4) What is your writing space like?
I’ve had to adapt my writing space to several places. What I need is my laptop, silence, and a big
window with lots of natural light and trees. At home, we have mighty, inspirational oaks out
every window.

5) Do bits of yourself or your friends show up in your characters?
My characters are all real people in fictionalized settings. So, I do my utmost to keep everyone’s
integrity. That said, I found myself completely identifying with the third Earl of Bute in
Collision Course. We share the same devotion to Christ and the same commitment to virtue. We
have the same didactic nature, schoolmarm written all over both of us. Like Bute, I was inspired
to gardening by several family members. Furthermore, the things Bute said in letters, I might
have said. I felt free to speak for him when the occasions arose. My dad and his dad were
dairymen so I felt right at home in Bute’s milking barn at Hampstead Heath. And I have a Scot
great-grandfather that put me in the mood for tartan plaids, a brogue, and bagpipes. Neither Bute
nor I have much political ambition, but both of us would pick the same mountains to draw a line
in the sand and die on.
The differences I found between us, were, Bute was handsome, and a brilliant intellectual.
Degrees from Utrect were more venerated than from Oxford. And he was shier than I am, and
undoubtedly more dramatic. Of course, he was painfully aware of the bias against Scots.

About the Author

Millie Norwich Inman holds a Bachelor of Arts cum laude from Washington University in St. Louis. She taught school and raised a family before dabbling in freelance for periodicals.  A fair measure of success added to profound sorrow over the loss of Western Civilization culture and history, launched her into extensive research for this engaging slice of pre-American Revolution history. On two trips to England she read at the British Library and Richmond Records Office, and traipsed through fabulous architecture and scrumptious gardens. At home in Texas, she took advantage of the Trinity University, Rice University, and University of Texas San Antonio Libraries, as well as the amazing Inter-Library Loan System from her hometown Boerne Library. Similar to the research style of NYT bestseller, America’s First Daughter, some of the wittiest dialogue in Collision Course has been lifted and adapted from original letters.

More from Millie

Collision Course is a walk in the park to smell the roses compared to an all-nighter-adrenalin-rush. And the third Earl of Bute is a reluctant hero-protagonist. He’s far more interested in creating calming garden vistas than in jumping into the heart of a rough-housing political fray.

Lord Bute is John Stuart (b. 1713), a descendant of the Stuart kings of Scotland on his father’s side and the powerful Campbell Clan on his mother’s. Branches of the Campbell Clan were still known as the fiercest of highland fighters when Bute was in his twenties. The Highlanders identified as Catholics but knew little of Jesus, and I dare say, never seemed to have heard of the Bible. So, their war-like tendencies really went berserk, after the Bloodless Revolution of 1688. Whenever the banished Catholic heir, the debauched “Bonnie Prince Charlie,” felt sufficiently resentful to sail back from France and contend for the crown, he’d swing by Scotland and enlist belligerent Highlanders. On these occasions, the Campbells would take a respite from murdering the MacDonalds and bludgeoning Lowlander Presbyterians, to gleefully enlist for a bloody tromp into England.

However, by the third “Bonnie Prince” invasion in 1745, Lord Bute’s branch of the Campbell Clan had experienced a come to Jesus. Godly education had become a family priority. Since Lord Bute’s godly father had died when he was nine, his godly mother had tucked him under the wings of her two godly Campbell brothers. Bute’s Campbell uncles were entrenched in the Edinburg intelligentsia. Intellectuals were Christians. Enlightenment academics followed Christians. Bute’s Campbell family branch were Scotland’s civic leaders, innovators in banking, business, jurisprudence, and republican statesmanship in addition to their stellar reputations in science, theology, medicine, and literature.

Lord Bute’s Campbell uncles, along with his Stuart father, were instrumental in the forming the United Kingdom and in installing Protestant royalty, to act in the interest of all their subjects, on the throne of England. The value of the common man was a novel idea. Bute’s uncles ran the elections for nineteen Scottish representatives to Parliament in Westminster. So, it’s really no wonder, that in the third invasion of Prince Charlie tyrants, three contingents of militia from the Campbell Clan fought for British liberty under George II’s favorite son, the Duke of Cumberland. Campbells fought Campbells.

It was in this third invasion that the young protagonist prince’s uncle, the Duke of Cumberland, became feared as “The Butcher.” After Cumberland led the government’s final victory, and as the “Bonnie Prince” slipped away on his ship back to France, the Duke of Cumberland ran a genocide campaign of the most war-like Highlanders (30 something Campbells). That ended the north Britain invasions and turned thoughts to a walk in the park-like gardens. Let Collision Course begin.

Blog Stops

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 20

Simple Harvest Reads, September 21 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, September 21

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 22

Artistic Nobody, September 23 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 24

Fiction Book Lover, September 25 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, September 25

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 26

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, September 27 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, September 28

Vicky Sluiter, September 29 (Author Interview)

Betti Mace, September 30

Blossoms and Blessings, October 1 (Author Interview)

Beauty in the Binding, October 2 (Author Interview)

Guild Master, October 3 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Millie is giving away the grand prize of a copy of the book and a $75 gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.