This past weekend was the annual Grand Rogue Encampment. We set up the tents on Friday and planned on coming first thing on Saturday. At 8:00 when we were ready to go, it was thundering and lightning and pouring down rain, so we hung out at home for a couple of hours and then headed out.

Here are the girls in their dresses. (They weren't happy I stopped them playing to take the picture, I guess!)

Their non-smiles make it more "period correct", though!

William "graduated" into a tunic and short trousers now that he isn't in diapers. He really liked his new outfit. I made him a new wool coat, too, but I didn't get any pictures of him wearing it!

Andrew with his dress and coat.

Grandpa starting the fire.

The kids playing.

Bean soup for lunch. Yum!

When I was cutting carrots to put in the soup, I found this one and thought it was interesting!

I made new capes for the girls' rag dolls.

Emily and William riding their "horses".

It rained again for about ½ an hour about half way through the day.

Going to check out the other time periods.

Civil War Union soldiers.

Civil War Confederate soldiers & horses.

The "specialists" The blacksmith & woodwright.

Stuart the blacksmith (aka the Metal man or Ironman!)

Lee Mulder (aka the spinning lady)

woodland Indians

The girls checking out the canoe.

Civil War photographer.

Andrew checking out himself in the mirror.

All the kids in their outfits.

Sepia version
The kids and I slept in the tent Saturday night (Dan was working all weekend)

As the night progressed, the kids joined me in my bed (it was cold!). By 5:30, they were all there and I had almost no space! (See the space between Emily and Andrew? That was my spot. Emily's head was touching one side of my head and Andrew's touched the other side!)

Opening Ceremony on Saturday

Civil War tactical demonstration.

The music players

nap time (he kept waking up every time we put him down)

Grandma and the kids looking at the horses.



William checking out a dragonfly (it's sitting on the red cape)

close up.

Tearing down the camp