Sunday's weather forecast was for 93° and a heat index of over 100°, so we decided to hang out at my mom & dad's house and their central air! (Our 1 window unit wouldn't help much with that much heat!) We ate lunch and everyone had a nap. At 5:00, I had a contraction that made me look at the clock (I've been having contractions off and on for over a month!) I had another contraction at 5:15, followed by another at 5:30. I thought, "This is pretty regular". By this time, we were finishing eating dinner and I started to shake. Shaking is a normal "sign" for me that I'm nearing the end of labor and I had only had 3 regular contractions (and only 15 minutes apart) I wasn't sure whether I was really in labor or not! I decided to go outside and walk around for awhile to see if maybe I was just cold (I didn't really think so, but I figured I should rule it out!). We got to the hospital about 6:10 and my contractions had moved to about 7 minutes apart. I felt a little like a hypochondriac, but I've never gone into labor on my own before (having been induced with all 3 of my previous pregnancies) I got changed and hooked up to the baby and contraction monitors. They checked me and I was only 3 cm. (at my OB appointment on Aug 4, I was 2-3 cm, thick, but soft) They checked me again at 7:30 and I was still only 3 cm, but thinner. By this time the shaking had stopped except for right before a contraction. I got up and started walking in the halls until 8:40 when they checked me again. I had made it to 4 cm, still thinner, and she could feel the bag of waters bulging. Dan ran home at this point to get my bags that I'd packed. At 9:20, my doctor (who was on call!) broke my water and I was still 4 cm. By the time Dan got back at 9:30, I was shaking full time and harder (It had stopped when I was walking the halls). I also wasn't coming totally down from each contraction before I would have another. Just before 10:00, my body started to push, so I told Dan they'd better come check me. I was 8 cm and they told me not to push until the doctor got there. He came at 10:10 and I started pushing. After pushing through 3 contractions, Andrew was born at 10:15 pm! That last half an hour was pretty intense, but at least it wasn't the whole labor like with being induced!
Andrew Joseph Dempsey
7 lbs 0 oz
19½" long
12" head & chest
APGAR 9 & 9 |
Andrew with his big sisters and brother. |
My little cutie |
Grandpa holding Andrew |
with Grandma |
The kids were pretty excited he was finally here. |
I *LOVE* the look on William's face. |
The whole Dempsey family |
All ready to go home |
We met my parents at Ponderosa to get the older kids
and that way, my Grandma and aunt (and their male counterparts!) could see Andrew. |
Andrew and my aunt Elizabeth share a birthday! |