Friday, October 3, 2014

Church Building Project: Building Dedication

Sunday we had a dedication service for the new Fellowship Hall.  There are a few more little things that need to be finished, but for the most part, it is finished and praise God, without incurring debt or having to get a loan!

Recognizing the guys who spent most of the last 4 months building on the Fellowship Hall:

Gerry Corey

Paul Oetken

Bob Huey

Lead builder: "Bob the Builder" 

Special Speaker:  Dr. Charles Whitfield

Gathering in the Fellowship Hall for dedication

Prayer of dedication

Singing "To God be the Glory"


Evening Service:

Amanda Herb played a "mini concert"

Pastor Oliver sang ☺

Breaking in the Fellowship Hall with a dessert fellowship 

If you want to see the other posts about the building project, they are here:

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