Sunday's weather forecast was for 93° and a heat index of over 100°, so we decided to hang out at my mom & dad's house and their central air! (Our 1 window unit wouldn't help much with that much heat!) We ate lunch and everyone had a nap. At 5:00, I had a contraction that made me look at the clock (I've been having contractions off and on for over a month!) I had another contraction at 5:15, followed by another at 5:30. I thought, "This is pretty regular". By this time, we were finishing eating dinner and I started to shake. Shaking is a normal "sign" for me that I'm nearing the end of labor and I had only had 3 regular contractions (and only 15 minutes apart) I wasn't sure whether I was really in labor or not! I decided to go outside and walk around for awhile to see if maybe I was just cold (I didn't really think so, but I figured I should rule it out!). We got to the hospital about 6:10 and my contractions had moved to about 7 minutes apart. I felt a little like a hypochondriac, but I've never gone into labor on my own before (having been induced with all 3 of my previous pregnancies) I got changed and hooked up to the baby and contraction monitors. They checked me and I was only 3 cm. (at my OB appointment on Aug 4, I was 2-3 cm, thick, but soft) They checked me again at 7:30 and I was still only 3 cm, but thinner. By this time the shaking had stopped except for right before a contraction. I got up and started walking in the halls until 8:40 when they checked me again. I had made it to 4 cm, still thinner, and she could feel the bag of waters bulging. Dan ran home at this point to get my bags that I'd packed. At 9:20, my doctor (who was on call!) broke my water and I was still 4 cm. By the time Dan got back at 9:30, I was shaking full time and harder (It had stopped when I was walking the halls). I also wasn't coming totally down from each contraction before I would have another. Just before 10:00, my body started to push, so I told Dan they'd better come check me. I was 8 cm and they told me not to push until the doctor got there. He came at 10:10 and I started pushing. After pushing through 3 contractions, Andrew was born at 10:15 pm! That last half an hour was pretty intense, but at least it wasn't the whole labor like with being induced!
Andrew Joseph Dempsey
7 lbs 0 oz
19½" long
12" head & chest
APGAR 9 & 9 |
Andrew with his big sisters and brother. |
My little cutie |
Grandpa holding Andrew |
with Grandma |
The kids were pretty excited he was finally here. |
I *LOVE* the look on William's face. |
The whole Dempsey family |
All ready to go home |
We met my parents at Ponderosa to get the older kids
and that way, my Grandma and aunt (and their male counterparts!) could see Andrew. |
Andrew and my aunt Elizabeth share a birthday! |
Congratulations, Becky and Dan!
Andrew is a beautiful baby, I especially like your new family photo.
Hi Becky~
Thanks for posting the birth story!! I was thinking of you and wondering what it was like to go into labor when you'd only been induced before.
That's a pretty quick labor, huh? I'm glad it was only intense for you for the last bit. :)
He is so cute! That look on William's face is so precious, too. :)
Amy :)
Congratulations and what a sweet baby! I'm glad it went well and you are all home now, healthy and happy and with one more voice to hear!
Congratulations!! He's such a cutie!
Awwwww congrats!! I was thinking about you the other day if you had the baby yet! He is just too cute.
Glad it all went well
Congratulations what a beautiful family. The look on William face is precious.
Congratulations! Only 5 (or so) hours of harder labor - not too bad! But it really is labor! Your new son is beautiful, and so it the rest of your family.
Congratulations Becky,
we have all been waiting for this little guy so we could greet him. Welcome Andrew, you will have so much fun now that you are here.
Congratulations, lovely photos, thanks for sharing.
Welcome, Andrew.
Congratulation Becky and Dan....Andrew is gorgeous...great photos,thanks for sharing...job well done
Lots of Hugs
Joy in OZ
Congratulations! Isn't it amazing that he came from your body? I hope you have lots of fun with your new son and many happy birthdays.
Congratulations! That sounds like a reasonable excuse for forgetting about a lace group meeting to me!
Inhale some of that sweet new baby smell for me.
Congratulations! Andrew is a beautiful baby. Thanks for sharing this exciting time with us.
Stopping by to say thank you for entering my giveaway. Good luck to you in the drawing.
Congratulations! I can really tell this baby is loved....a lot! What a great day for all.
What a sweet little baby boy. Congratulations to all of you! You have a lovely family.
HI!! congratulations!!
you have 4 wonderful angels!!!
God bless you all!!
Hi, I'm new here, but whenever I see a new baby, I come a running! I love the family photo and I think "you have a hand full!" The way the little ones took to the baby is absolutely gorgeous! Good luck and congratulations!!
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