Tuesday, September 12, 2023

"Building Character through Picture Books" by Terrie Hellard-Brown - Epic Launch

 About the Book

Book Title: Building Character through Picture Books

Author Name: Terrie Hellard-Brown

Genre: Devotional

Release Date: May 27, 2023

Bring the Bible into bedtime. After reading the picture book together, families can read

the short devotion, discuss compelling questions (questions for younger and older children

provided), and end with prayer together as the children prepare to sleep. The book includes 25

devotions matched with 25 popular and classical picture books. Each devotion includes a section

for parents to go further in the discussion or to add an activity to continue the conversation the

following day.

Book Excerpt

For Parents: We want to raise thankful, joyful children who can look beyond the little

daily frustrations and choose to see the blessings in their lives. We need to practice this habit

with them. We also need to be real. Sometimes irritations happen. We can acknowledge them

without dwelling on them. We can forgive the person and move on. Forgiveness sets us and the

other person free from being trapped in that disagreement or hurt. Reconciliation brings relief

and joy. Gratitude helps us focus on the wonderful blessings God has given us. Patience helps us

wait for the good in the frustrations. However, one thing we notice throughout this story of

Alexander is that many of the adults in his life ignore the truly wrong things that happen to him.

Maybe the mom should have noticed the older brothers constantly picking on Alexander. Or

maybe she should have helped him find some shoes he really liked. Maybe the teacher should

have talked to Alexander about doing the assignment rather than pretending to do it and only

turning in a blank page or discussed that participation in singing doesn’t mean singing so loud

one becomes obnoxious.

Several teachable moments were overlooked in Alexander’s day. If we can grasp those

rather than hurrying through and missing them, we can help our kids find the joy and peace of

life. We can help them rest in the security of their relationship with God.


Missed Any Excerpts, Go Here 

Excerpt One: https://travelerswife4life.com/building-character-through-picture-books/

Excerpt Two: http://kid-lit.library-lady.blog/epic-book-launch-and-excerpt-building-character-through-picture-books-devotional/

Excerpt Three: https://blossomsandblessings.blogspot.com/2023/09/building-character-through-picture.html

Excerpt Four: https://moments-of-beauty.blogspot.com/2023/09/epic-book-launch-building-character.html

Excerpt Five: https://carolkeen.blogspot.com/2023/09/building-character-through-picture.html

Excerpt Six: https://www.amoderndayfairytale.net/2023/09/building-character-through-picture.html

Excerpt Seven: https://storiesbygina.wordpress.com/2023/09/14/building-character-through-picture-books-book-launch-with-celebrate-lit/

About the Author

Terrie Hellard-Brown uses her experiences as a mother of four (three on the autism spectrum),

35+ years in ministry (15 in Taiwan), and 35 years teaching to speak to the hearts of readers. She

writes and speaks to empower children and adults to embrace everyday discipleship every day.

She teaches workshops and writes devotional books, children’s stories, and Christian education


Her podcast, Books that Spark, reviews children’s books that spark imagination, emotion,

questions, and discussion leading to teachable moments with our kids.

Her blog discusses living as a disciple of Christ while discipling our children. She challenges us

to step out of our comfort zones to walk by faith in obedience to Christ and to use the nooks and

crannies of life to disciple our children.

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