Saturday, June 15, 2024

"From Comfort Zone to Trust Zone: How Jesus Urges Us to Take Leaps of Faith for His Kingdom" by Cecil Taylor -- Author Interview

About the Book

Book: From Comfort Zone to Trust Zone: How Jesus Urges Us to Take Leaps of Faith for His Kingdom

Author: Cecil Taylor

Genre: Christian Living

Release date: March 6, 2024

The innate human longing for comfort is undeniable. However, Jesus challenges us to step beyond the boundaries of our comfort zones and venture into the profound realm of faith, aptly described as trust zones by Cecil Taylor. These are the spaces where we dare to take risks in service of Christ’s Kingdom. In this enlightening exploration of the Bible, Cecil Taylor delves into 12 narratives of Jesus encouraging individuals to forsake their comfort zones in favor of trust zones. Through insightful interpretation, he unveils the valuable lessons these stories impart for contemporary followers of Jesus.


Click here to get your copy!

Author Interview 

1. Why did you choose to write non-fiction?
Non-fiction fits with the mission of Cecil Taylor Ministries to teach Christians how to live a seven-
day practical faith, putting their faith into practice between Sundays (learn more at The mission emerges from my teaching of adult Sunday School
classes for decades. People would tell me, “I can do this Christian stuff on Sundays, but the rest
of the week is hard.” I work to address that need.

2. Why did you choose to write about this particular topic?
The concept of risk-taking runs strong through many of my works. After I wrote Live Like You’re
Loved, I kept thinking about a page where I discussed risk-taking for Jesus’s sake. So I
investigated Bible stories in which Jesus invites people out of comfort zones into his trust zones,
where they take risks for his kingdom while deepening their faith. Then I explore what these
comfort and trust zones mean for us today.
I hope to persuade people to listen to the Spirit’s call to get uncomfortable and embrace
uncertainty, so they’ll do more for Christ and increase their faith and impact.

3. What is your writing area like?
I separate my writing area from my office area where I conduct the administrative part of my
ministry; in my writing space I can block out noise and interruptions. I might play music
sometimes, especially “comfort food” music. Believe it or not, my favorites for writing are the
Herb Alpert and Sergio Mendes Pandora channels, music my parents would listen to.
I keep a folder of notes for the book in progress and have several resources nearby such as the
Bible and reference books. On my computer, I maintain a brainstorm document that also
contains the outline for the book.
I find actual writing to be very intense, like extracting something from your soul. I can only go
about three to four hours per day with high intensity, which is usually very productive. Then I set
the writing aside to do other things and come back the next day.

4. How do you balance writing time with other things?
It’s always a challenge. In an ideal day, I would handle administrative, marketing, and free
content duties like blogs in the morning, then pivot to writing in the afternoon. I might sometimes
come back and write in the evenings.
Over the course of an ideal week, I would spend 35% of time on content creation (including
videos; I create video studies to accompany each book), 30% on free content, 25% on
marketing, and 10% on administrative. I track my hours on each task to understand the balance.
In a given day, that time may be skewed in one direction or another, so I have to consider the
balance on a weekly or biweekly basis.

5. Was there anything you found particularly interesting while researching?
I was fascinated by the story of the disciple Thaddeus (who went by other names as well). The
Bible doesn’t tell much about him, but it’s clear he was one of four Zealot disciples who wanted
to overthrow local Roman rule. We only hear his voice once in scripture, asking Jesus at the
Last Supper why he won’t reveal himself as a powerful messiah, hoping Jesus will take
governmental control. Between Jesus’ answer that he’s more interested in winning hearts, and
the proof of the resurrection days later, Thaddeus gave up his Zealot ambitions, helped the
Christian church grow, and eventually was martyred. He was sainted with the name St. Jude, for
which the famous hospital is named. His story reminds us that Jesus’s focus is on his kingdom
and on winning hearts, not on political issues.

About the Author

With more than 30 years’ experience as an adult Sunday School teacher and as many in youth ministry, Cecil Taylor has impacted lives in local churches throughout his adult life. He founded Cecil Taylor Ministries to broaden that impact, teaching Christians to live a 7-day practical faith through books, video studies, and speaking engagements. His ministry is cross-denominational, focused on the common struggle Christians face in putting their faith into practice and applying scripture and faith principles to life situations.

From Comfort Zone to Trust Zone has won the 2024 Living Water Award (nonfiction, third place) from the Blue Lake Christian Writer’s Conference. This is the fourth award that Cecil has been presented across his three books.


More from Cecil

Comfort zones can be positive. Not only do we feel good about ourselves, but we also can be effective and efficient. We can find a groove. We may even be able to mentor others and cause a ripple effect of good.

But comfort zones can fool us. Our comfort zones can become invisible. They can limit us and tell us not to take risks. Comfort zones can keep us from going all-in on what Jesus has to offer us.

As I read the Gospels, I see how Jesus frequently pushed people out of comfort zones and into his trust zones, where they would take leaps of faith for the sake of his kingdom. Similarly, Jesus calls us out of comfort zones today, inviting us to take risks while deepening our faith.

A woman who read From Comfort Zone to Trust Zone said one of the most gripping moments in the book is when I shared my own story of going all-in for Jesus. I had grown up in the church as a preacher’s kid. Throughout decades of my adult life, I was a leader in my church, a highly committed volunteer, someone others might think was all-in for Christ.

But I wasn’t all-in, though I fooled myself into thinking I was. In a time when I asked for more comfort zone, Jesus gave me a trust zone: to forget about volunteering so much and to focus on giving my heart to God. I was busted, as I foolishly thought I had hidden from God that I wasn’t fully yielding control of my life. I didn’t know what Jesus would ask of me, so I held him at arm’s length. My prayers zeroed in on what was comfortable for me rather than what the Holy Spirit was beckoning me to do.

Since that moment, my life has changed. I believe your life needs to change, too, if you’re feeling comfortable. It’s time to get uncomfortable, to overcome your desire for certainty, and to inspect the ways in which you have limited the Spirit’s power to work through you. I invite you on a journey to identify subtle comfort zones that you never knew you had and to uncover trust zones that will take your faith to new levels while mightily serving Christ. I invite you to the experience that is From Comfort Zone to Trust Zone: How Jesus Urges Us to Take Leaps of Faith for His Kingdom.

Blog Stops

Blossoms and Blessings, June 15 (Author Interview)

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, June 16

Artistic Nobody, June 17 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, June 17

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, June 18 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, June 18

Beauty in the Binding, June 19 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, June 20

Guild Master, June 21 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 22

A Reader’s Brain, June 23 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 24

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, June 25 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 26

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 27

Fiction Book Lover, June 28 (Author Interview)


To celebrate his tour, Cecil is giving away the grand prize package of a copy of the book and a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Friday, June 14, 2024

"The End Begins" by Sara Davison -- Epic Book Launch

About the Book

Book Title: The End Begins
Author Name: Sara Davison
Genre: Dystopian Romantic Suspense
Release Date: July 15, 2024
Which of them is the prisoner and which one is free?
Bookstore owner Meryn O'Reilly and Army Captain Jesse Christensen are on opposite sides of a
battle. After a series of terrorist attacks in 2053, martial law has been declared in Canada and the
military has taken over. When a radical Christian group claims responsibility, Jesse and his
platoon are sent to Meryn's city to keep an eye on the Christians and ensure they are not stepping
outside the confines of the law.
Fiery and quick-tempered, Meryn chafes under the curfew and other restrictions to her freedom.
Jesse is equally amused, intrigued, and terrified by her spirit, knowing she could end up in prison
if she shows defiance to the wrong soldier, namely Lieutenant Gallagher.
Jesse watches out for Meryn when possible, although she wants nothing to do with him. His
worst fears are realized when she commits a crime he cannot protect her from. Now they both
face an uncertain future and the very real threat of losing everything, including their lives.
With time running out, Jesse works feverishly to convince the authorities to show leniency—and
to convince Meryn that love can overcome any barrier that lies between them.

Book Excerpt
Time for him to get out of the way and finish his patrol route. Then he could head back to
the base. This was the start of Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, which should mean a few quiet
days for the military, since most people would be with their families, celebrating the holiday.
Jesse pushed away the twinge of sadness that drifted through him at the thought and
strode around the front of his vehicle. The mess hall would offer up something vaguely
resembling a turkey dinner, and he could eat with his best friend and commanding officer, Caleb.
That would have to do for a family get-together for the two of them, as it had the last few years.
Jesse offered the driver behind him an apologetic wave before swinging himself behind
the wheel of the jeep. He shot one last glance at the mosque and then the schoolyard where the
kids had resumed whatever game they were playing with the ball. Then he shifted into gear and
started along the street lined with trees glistening red and orange and yellow in the sunlight.
Now that Thanksgiving had crossed his mind, his thoughts strayed to memories of past holidays
with his parents and older brother, Rory.

Missed Any Excerpts, Go Here

Come back after June 26 to get the links for the other excerpts

About the Author

Sara Davison is the author of The Night Guardians, The Rose Tattoo, two sparrows for a penny,
and In the Shadows series, as well as the standalone, The Watcher. A finalist for more than a
dozen national writing awards, including the Christy Award, Davison is a Cascade, Word, and
two-time Carol Award winner for romantic suspense. She lives in Ontario with her husband,
Michael. Like every good Canadian, she loves coffee, hockey, poutine, and apologizing for no
particular reason. Get to know Sara better and subscribe to her short, monthly newsletter at


Thursday, June 13, 2024

"HopeFULL: Your 30 Day Devotional to Discover Biblical Hope" by Marta E. Greenman & Maureen H. Maldonado -- Spotlight


About the Book

Book: HopeFULL: Your 30-Day Devotional to Discover Biblical Hope

Authors: Marta E Greenman and Maureen H Maldonado

Genre: Devotional

Release date: November 27, 2023

God can turn despair into hope even in a world that seems to be falling apart. He instilled hope in David, Esther, the Children of Israel, Paul, and the twelve apostles, and He can instill hope inside you. God is the giver of hope; we just need to find His prescription for hope in His Word. This 30-Day Devotional gives an in-depth look at Scripture and Biblical Hope. Join us today. 


• From various Biblical figures, how hope can be found in a turbulent world.

• The different Hebrew and Greek meanings of hope in Scripture.

• How to apply God’s strategies for living a HopeFULL life.

Read Old Testament and New Testament accounts of Biblical hope along with personal stories of how God has worked in the lives of His children around the world. Thoughtful reflection question provides a jumping off point for personal or group study.


Click here to get your copy!

About the Authors

Marta E Greenman – Marta left corporate America in 1998 to become a staff missionary with a church planting organization known today as e3Partners where she led American churches in planting new ones with international church partners. During this period, Marta spent much of her time in the field on evangelism and discipleship traveling to Columbia, Mexico, Moldova, Peru, Romania, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe. She also had the privilege of leading women’s conferences in biblical training.

Marta began teaching Inductive Bible Study at her home church in 1997 where she taught faithfully for fifteen years. Debbie Stuart, a Women’s Ministry Director, said, “Marta Greenman is a master teacher weaving biblical principles, personal stories and clear application with every lesson. She walks in Truth and loves the Word and has dedicated her life to teaching that Truth to women.”

After seven years on the mission field in Romania, Marta began to write Bible study curriculum. Her first study, Bound To Be Free, was published in 2011. May 2011, Marta founded Words of Grace & Truth, a ministry devoted to teaching God’s Word to the nations and teaching others to do the same, through the curriculum God birthed through her teaching ministry. Since then, Leaders, Nations and God and ACTs420NOW have been published. Today she continues to write a series of twelve 30-day devotionals with co-author Maureen H. Maldonado. Their first is entitled FearLESS: God is calling you to be fearless and to FearLESS, second LoveMORE: Your 30-Day Devotional to learn to love like Jesus, third is HopeFULL: Your 30-Day Devotional to Discover Biblical Hope.

Marta’s added GraceAndTruthRadio.World (GTRW), a global radio outreach to the world with God’s message of grace and truth. You can hear her show, Under God with co-host Maureen Maldonado, on GTRW, Monday’s at 3:00pm CST. The passion of her ministry, regardless of the nation she may be in, is teaching God’s Word and equipping others to teach. She is a gifted teacher, speaker and expositor of God’s Word.

Maureen H. Maldonado – Maureen is the second of seven children. Growing up in a home where worldly wealth was a foreign concept, she always felt treasured by her parents and knew she was rich in love. Maureen married young and raised two amazing daughters. Her grandchildren are a blessing beyond anything she could imagine. Recently, she was able to add two granddaughters-in-love who add joy to the mix; and the best yet, God has blessed her with a great-granddaughter!

Maureen has a master’s degree in education from California State University and spent her career as a teacher, vice-principal, and principal in elementary education. Maureen never planned to leave California or the education system, but God had other plans.

After Maureen’s husband was transferred to Arizona in 2006, then to Texas in 2011, she spent several years teaching ‘Just Moved,’ a Christian-based ministry program developed by Susan Miller for women moving homes because of life changes ( God used her teaching education and experience as a training ground to begin preparing for Him.

Involved in Bible studies in California, Arizona, and Texas, Maureen grew exponentially in her faith and love of God and His Word. The culmination of these experiences led her to co-host the radio program ‘Under God’ on GraceAndTruthRadio.World, where God’s Word is taught to the nations.

Today, Maureen is using her new-to-her method of studying the Bible and her long-applied teaching methods to teach the next generation of believers. Her prayer is for others to gain as much insight into God’s transformational Word as she has received. She describes it as “opening the shades and letting in all the sunlight on a gloomy day.” Maureen feels honored and humbled to be a part of Words of Grace & Truth and asks others to join in prayer for this needed ministry, the church, our country, and our world. LoveMORE is the second devotional Maureen has co-authored with Marta. Their first devotional was FearLESS: God is calling you to be fearless and to fear less.

Maureen and her husband, Raymond, reside in Texas, where they have transplanted almost their entire family from California.

More from Marta and Maureen

HopeFULL is the third in a series of twelve 30-Day devotionals covering various topics. With titles like FearLESS, LoveMORE and HopeFULL you will discover what God’s Word has to say on each topic. Each book has 4 components, First, 30 Devotionals on the chosen subject. Second, Reflection questions. Third, each book delves into the original language of Hebrew and Greek to help discover what God is trying to communicate to us. Finally, each book has stories, to help illustrate how God still works today.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 31

Inspired by Fiction, June 1

Artistic Nobody, June 2 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 2

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 3

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, June 4 (Author Interview)

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, June 5

Its Mama Safe, June 6

Guild Master, June 7 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, June 8

Cover Lover Book Review, June 9

A Reader’s Brain, June 10 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, June 10

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 11

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 12

Blossoms and Blessings, June 13 (Author Interview)


To celebrate their tour, Marta and Maureen are giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

"Waiting for the Rancher" by Jody Hedlund

About the Book 

In the high country of Colorado, there’s nothing more important than loyalty . . . except maybe love.

Hazel Noble loves her job managing the mares at High Country Ranch. As the foaling season begins, she gets to spend even more time with the horses . . . and with her secret crush, Maverick Oakley, the owner of High Country Ranch and her brother Sterling’s best friend.

When Maverick unwittingly ruins Sterling’s wedding, he goes from best friend to worst enemy. With the rift between their families, Maverick is faced with the possibility of losing Hazel, and he can no longer deny how much he’s always cared about her. The trouble is that he and Sterling made a vow not to court each other’s sisters, and he doesn’t want to break his word and cause further problems.

Maverick gathers the courage to speak with Sterling about their vow, but Sterling demands that he stay away from Hazel. When a tragic accident strikes, Maverick is forced to finally choose where his loyalties lie—with his best friend or his best friend’s sister. After pushing Hazel away, will he be too late to win her heart?

Charming flirt

Best friend’s sister

Friends to more

Secret crush

Emotional scars

Unexpected injury

Horse ranch

*All of the books in the High Country Ranch series are sweet, closed-door romances with plenty of sizzle. The inspirational themes are light, and the romance is the main focus of the books.

My Thoughts 

I enjoyed reading this book. The romance happens quickly but doesn't really feel rushed since the characters have known each other for a long time. Like Jody Hedlund's other books, this book has a bit more spice with mentions of how the characters are physically attracted to each other. There is nothing beyond kissing happening in the books, though. It was fun to have the connection to the e Colorado Cowgirls series with Weston Oakley being Maverick's older brother. I look forward to reading the rest of this series.

About the Author 

Jody Hedlund is the best-selling author of over fifty books and is the winner of numerous awards. She writes sweet historical romances with plenty of sizzle.

"Waiting for the Rancher" is available in paperback 


Publisher ‏ : ‎ Northern Lights Press (June 3, 2024)

Language ‏ : ‎ English

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 298 pages

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8989627707

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 13.5 ounces 

Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.5 x 0.75 x 8.5 inches

and in Kindle edition 

‏ ASIN ‏: ‎ B0CSCKT48P

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Northern Lights Press (June 4, 2024)

Publication date ‏ : ‎ June 4, 2024

Language ‏ : ‎ English

File size ‏ : ‎ 5621 KB

I got a free copy of this book.  All thoughts and opinions are my own and given voluntarily. No compensation was received for my review.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

"Weaving Roots" by Heather Wood - Epic Book Launch

About the Book

Book Title: Weaving Roots
Author Name: Heather Wood
Genre: Christian Historical Fiction with Romance
Release Date: June 25, 2024
Baltimore, 1828
Spinning. Turning flax to fine linen thread for her family’s weaving business keeps Betha’s
hands occupied all day, but it’s the concerns spinning in her heart that never truly rest. How can
she give her nephew Henry a secure, loving home when his father remains indifferent? How can
she guide the boy who calls her “Ma” to know and follow the Lord for himself? And when past
secrets and future changes collide, will she lose Henry altogether?
Colm Gallagher is passionate about teaching boys using innovative educational methods. But is
his kind and thorough instruction enough if he is not allowed to give his students the ultimate
truth of God’s Word? Confronted by his student Henry Young and the boy’s lovely but
determined aunt, Colm considers if he has allowed practical considerations to outweigh his
deepest-held beliefs.
Even as Betha and Colm are drawn to each other, family loyalties, financial pressures, and
personal uncertainties push them further apart. Will the threads of their lives unravel or become
knit together into something stronger?
Weaving linen is her family’s legacy. Weaving roots of truth and grace is her calling.

Book Excerpt
Betha sent Henry an affectionate smile. If he was going to allow courage to chase his fears away,
she would do the same. She offered her hand to him. He took it, reminding her that despite what he often
voiced, he was still her little boy. He still needed her. Betha didn’t know what she would do if he ever
didn’t. Seamus might view Henry as the biggest mistake of his life, but he was the biggest blessing in
“All the students here are Irish,” she said brightly.
“I know, Ma. You already told me.”
Betha reached for the front door and pushed it open. “It might be nice to have friends who are like
Henry shrugged like he didn’t care either way. Betha didn’t blame him, with the way he’d been
treated by so-called friends in the past.
A chair scraping across the floor greeted them as Betha closed the door behind Henry and turned
around into a giant room filled with rows of benches. A man stood behind the desk, pulling his coat over
white shirtsleeves.
“Good morning.”

Missed Any Excerpts, Go Here

About the Author

Heather Wood grew up in the Chicago suburbs, loving history, classic literature, writing stories,
and Civil War reenacting. After obtaining her bachelor's degree in Bible/Theology from
Appalachian Bible College, she settled in Virginia with her husband David. Her early passions
fuel her writing today, although she spends most of her days now working to infuse her love for
God and good literature into the hearts of her four children. 

"When Hope Sank" by Denise Weimer


About the Book

Book: When Hope Sank

Author: Denise Weimer

Genre: Christian / Historical / Romance

Release date: May, 2024

Can Hope Resurface After Evil Tries to Drown It?

Introducing a series of 6 exciting novels featuring historic American disasters that transformed landscapes and multiple lives. Whether by nature or by man, these disasters changed history and were a day to be remembered.

The Civil War has taken everything from Lily Livingston—her parents, her twin brother, her home. Now she works at her uncle’s inn and keeps her head down. Speaking up for her beliefs proved too costly in a part of Arkansas split by conflicting loyalties and overrun by spies and bushwhackers.

Emaciated in body but resilient in spirit, Lieutenant Cade Palmer is crowded onto the Sultana with other paroled Andersonville and Cahaba POWs for the journey north. But a fiery explosion on April 27, 1865, rends the steamer and empties two thousand men into the frigid Mississippi River.

Recovering from wounds that might end his career as a surgeon but clinging to his faith, Cade threatens both Lily’s defenses and her heart. How can she tell him she might’ve prevented the tragedy if only she’d reported a suspected saboteur’s claims? And when the man returns to town and encoded messages pass through the hotel, will Lily follow her convictions to prevent another tragedy?


Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts 

I enjoyed reading this book and learning about this little known historical event. I found the book to be well written and easy to read. The biblical faith thread woven through the story and the lessons learned are nice. I look forward to reading more books in this series as well as more books by Denise Weimer.

About the Author

Denise Weimer holds a journalism degree with a minor in history from Asbury University. A former magazine writer, Denise authored romantic novella Redeeming Grace, as well as The Georgia Gold Series (Sautee ShadowsThe Gray DivideThe Crimson Bloom, and Bright as Gold, winner of the 2015 John Esten Cooke Award for outstanding Southern literature) and The Restoration Trilogy (White, Widow and Witch) with Canterbury House Publishing. A wife and swim mom of two daughters, Denise always pauses for old houses, coffee and chocolate, and to write any story the Lord lays on her heart.



More from Denise

The first novel I ever wrote was set during the Civil War, inspired by travels to historic sites of the Southeast with my parents and scribbled in my eleven-year-old hand in spiral-bound notebooks. Fresh out of college with my new degree in journalism with a minor in history on my shelf, I narrowly missed signing a contract for another Civil War series. Fast forward another decade or so. I was a young mom writing for magazines and directing a volunteer 1800s dance group when my Georgia Gold Series, literary-style historical fiction set between the Cherokee Removal and Reconstruction, found a home with Canterbury House Publishing. Since then, I’ve written everything from Hallmark-style contemporaries to Rev War romances (including my current Scouts of the Georgia Frontier Series with Wild Heart Books, where I also work as an editor). Everything but Civil War-era stories … until this one.

It feels a lot like coming home.

Some of that also has to do with the fact that I love writing stories that illustrate how God can bring healing and redemption out of the most difficult circumstances. I also endeavor to work as much real history as possible into the plots of my novels. And I love finding a little-known aspect of the past to center a story upon. When Hope Sank embodies all those things.

Reeling from the loss of over 600,000 men in the Civil War and the assassination of President Lincoln just the week prior, the nation hardly noticed when a steamer carrying a couple thousand U.S. prisoners of war exploded in the Mississippi River on April 27, 1865. Over eleven hundred perished in the icy waters that swelled several miles past the normal embankments at flood stage, making the sinking of the Sultana the most crippling maritime disaster in the nation’s history.

The former POWs on their way to muster out at Camp Chase, Ohio, were already emaciated and ill from imprisonment at infamous Andersonville and Cahaba prison camps. A number were badly burned when the boilers exploded, and many did not know how to swim. You can imagine the scene that ensued. While the steamboats docked at Memphis—which had been under Union occupation since the summer of 1862—got up steam, local citizens hurried to help, even those on the Arkansas shore who had fought for the Confederacy. The towns of Hopefield, Marion, and Mound City had suffered harsh reprisals for harboring Confederate guerillas. The area was well-known as a hotbed of spies and saboteurs intent on disrupting Union shipping on the Mississippi.

From this cauldron of chaos, discontent, and pain, an emotionally rich story was born. Focused on survival for herself and her little brother, Lily works at her uncle’s inn and keeps her Union sympathies to herself in her family of Southern sympathizers. The Yankee lieutenant she pulls from the river needs emotional healing even more than physical, though his wounds may compromise his ability to practice as a surgeon. The bond that forms between them from their shared faith and allegiances makes Lily question if she might have another option besides marrying her childhood sweetheart, a former partisan. And when coded message pass through River’s Rest, Lily struggles to find the courage to do what she didn’t the first time—speak out to save lives.

While the sinking of the Sultana may be the inciting event in When Hope Sank, it’s not the main focus. The reactions of the characters in the aftermath are. In our lives as followers of Christ, isn’t that where the real focus should lie? How we respond to tragedy? How we learn to reach for God instead of blaming Him? How, when we walk with Him, He brings beauty out of our ashes? It’s my prayer that the message of When Hope Sank settles deep in your heart.



Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 28

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 28

Bizwings Book Blog, May 29

Life on Chickadee Lane, May 29

Alena Mentink, May 30

Lighthouse Academy Blog, May 30 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Betti Mace, May 31

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 31

Texas Book-aholic, June 1

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 1

Locks, Hooks and Books, June 2

Book Looks by Lisa, June 3

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 3

Life, Love, Writing, June 4

Blogging With Carol, June 4

The Lofty Pages, June 5

Tell Tale Book Reviews, June 5

For Him and My Family, June 6

Blossoms and Blessings, June 6

Stories By Gina, June 7 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, June 7

Cover Lover Book Review, June 8

Connie’s History Classroom, June 8

Holly’s Book Corner, June 9

An Author’s Take, June 9

Pause for Tales, June 10


To celebrate her tour, Denise is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon e-Gift card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

I got a free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own and given voluntarily. No compensation was received for my review.