Wednesday, September 9, 2015

First Day of School 2015/16

Our school elected to get a waiver from the state to start before Labor Day.  So our first day of school was August 31. Sarah started middle school this year, which added new routines and unknowns.

As is our custom, we brought the kids to school for their first day of school. I also picked Sarah up afterwards, too, because she didn't know where the buses dropped off and picked up as she hadn't ridden the bus to middle school yet.

Sarah on the bench in front of the school

Sarah at her locker

Sarah going into her first class
We dropped the elementary kids off as we came to their classrooms.

Will by his locker (2nd grade)

Will by his desk

Will with his teacher 

Andy by his locker (1st grade)

Andy by his spot at the table
Andy's teacher (with the glasses) is on maternity leave until November, but she was at the "back to school night" so I snapped a picture with Andy with her and the long term sub that night instead of the first day of school. 

Emily at her locker (4th grade)

Emily at her desk 

Emily with her teacher

Sarah in front of the school sign after school

Andy getting off the bus for the first time this year

Will getting off the bus for the first time this year

Emily getting off the bus for the first time this year

Sarah getting on the bus for the first time this year.  Sort of hard to see because it's so dark (her bus comes at 6:45)

The trees are starting to change colors

Emily getting on the bus for the first time this year

Andy getting on the bus for the first time this year

Will getting on the bus for the first time this year

Sarah getting off the bus for the first time this year


Amy :) said...

Wow, middle school!! How does it feel having Sarah go to a school where you were a student? That middle school brings back lots of memories.

Ed & Dottie said...

Sure doesn't seem like it is time for Sarah to be in middle school. Brings back memories of our first year in the Greenville School district & it was Amy going into middle school.