I quite often suffer from "brain fog". You know, when you put things in the cupboard instead of the refrigerator. Or you walk out of the laundry room on the way to get the next load and immediately forget that you were getting a load of laundry. When I was pregnant with my first, we were behind a car whose license plate had a "D" in the middle. For the life of me, I could NOT remember what it stood for and I knew I should! (It means it's a Dealer plate, by the way!).
This topic came up on with some ladies from church, so I decided to look up some information on it.
These two talk about how your brain actually shrinks during pregnancy:
Maybe some day I'll be able to remember what I'm doing for more than 10 seconds!
Are you announcing another lovely baby on the way?
No, I'm not having anymore babies! And I was actually going to say that I WASN'T making an announcement in my post, too! A couple of the ladies from church are expecting and we were talking about how the brain fog continues post-baby.
try continual brain fog due to hypothyroidism. some days worse, some days better.
Ladytats, hypothyroidism "runs" in my family, so I suppose that could be part of my problem. It does seem pretty much continual.
Becky, I have been on thyroid meds since i was 2 yrs old. fortunately, only 1 child has had an issue and it was hyperthyroid. go figure.
Yep yep, poor Mom and sister have...so I wouldn't doubt that Becky has it too. Hypothyroidism is not fun. I hate the brain fog and the exhaustion. I'm having a wiped out moment right now in fact...which is why I sat down at the computer! Thyroid meds help, but they don't take away all of it. :(
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