Monday, January 13, 2025

"Ephesians: Experience God's Power" by Sarah K. Howley -- Epic Book Launch

About the Book
Book Title: Ephesians: Experience God’s Power

Author Name: Sarah K. Howley
Genre: Bible Study
Release Date: January 5, 2024

Are you ready to dive deep into the life-changing truths of Ephesians? In this 8-session Bible
study, you'll explore how God's power is available to us today—transforming our lives, our
relationships, and the world around us.
Sarah K. Howley, author, speaker, and founder of InspiritEncourage, is your guide on this
journey through Ephesians. With insightful questions and thoughtful guidance, Sarah will help
you uncover:
- The incredible spiritual blessings that God has prepared for you.
- His vision for unity among His people while honoring each person's unique gifts.
- How to live with purpose and conviction, experiencing the fullness of life as a Christian.
- Old Testament connections that deepen your understanding of the New Testament.
- Practical ways to live out God's truths in your daily life.
Each hour-long session includes a key Scripture passage, an introduction, engaging questions,
links to Old Testament passages, and personal application. Perfect for individual or group study,
Ephesians: Experience God's Power will strengthen your faith and build deeper connections in
unity with others.

Question & Answer

What can I expect from this study of Ephesians?

I designed Ephesians: Experience God’s Power in response to my personal desire to
understand the instructions that early Christians had. They were taught based on the Old
Testament yet lived in the New Covenant. I wanted to see how the new reflected the old while
also living it out differently. The Ephesians lived forgiven, as we do.
So, I wondered what the application of the Old Testament truths to the New Testament life
looked like, and I realized that I have the opportunity to do just that by reviewing the passages
referenced by each of the epistle writers and compare it to the new instruction they were given
in that letter.
So, here I first sought to understand what Paul was saying to the Ephesians, then what the Old
Testament references meant to the New Testament hearers of the word. Lastly, I found that
there were points that I needed to apply in my own life. So, the study comprises of opening
questions, generally about culture and our relations to it, then the participants read and answer
questions from the text. There are short passages that link to the Ephesians reading and a
couple of questions about how they link and help in understanding the point that Paul was
making. Finally, there are application questions to close out each session.
The style is such to guide the participants rather than tell. So, I hope that each person sees the
connection of the old and new, how one influences the other and leads to spiritual growth and
understanding in each session.

Missed Any Questions, Go Here

About the Author

Sarah K. Howley is the founder of InspiritEncourage and author of several Bible studies. She is a
certified counselor by the Chiesa Apostolica in Italia and holds a master’s degree in education.

Sarah often travels the world, usually with espresso in hand. Follow her at
to keep in touch. 

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