Tuesday, February 25, 2020

"Mele Kalikimaka" by Taylor Bennett - Book Review

About the Book

Mele Kalikimaka might be the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas Day, but Olive Galloway is feeling less than festive. After all, this is the first year she's celebrated the holiday without her mom. Even the ringing of silver bells sounds a little blue. When an attempt to make the season bright ends in hurt feelings and a shattered heirloom, Olive's hopes for a happy holiday are dashed. A surprise visit from a less-than-jolly fellow in red only adds to the turmoil. Olive is convinced that nothing can possibly bring peace to her corner of the earth. As presents pile up beneath the tree and Christmas Day draws near, Olive realizes it will take a Christmas miracle to help her family rediscover the true magic of the holiday season. 

My Thoughts

"Mele Kalikimaka" takes places right after "Sand Castle Dreams". I think that it is best to read the books in order to get the whole picture. This was a quick read being a novella, but it still felt like a longer story. I enjoyed being back visiting with Olive and Macie, Jazz, Brander, and Gramma. The story has a nice biblical spiritual thread of what the true reason for Christmas was all about. I found the story to be well written and with a nice flow. I look forward to reading more books by Taylor Bennett.

About the Author

Taylor Bennett is the seventeen-year-old author of contemporary YA fiction. Homeschooled since kindergarten, she is a proud homebody who suffers from the rare–yet always severe–case of wanderlust.

Although she dreams of traveling to many different places, her favorite destination thus far (aside from her charming hometown in Oregon) is Lahaina, Hawaii. Taylor was so enamored with this tropical town that she became determined to write about it, hence her debut novel, Porch Swing Girl, the first in a series of books set in Hawaii.

A lover of literature since birth, Taylor found her love of writing fueled under the instruction of Andrew Pudewa and the other teachers at the Institute for Excellence in Writing, where she now works as an editor for their magazine.

When she isn’t writing, Taylor enjoys cooking, drawing, and taking long walks in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.

"Mele Kalikimaka" is available in Kindle edition:
  • File Size: 3502 KB
  • Print Length: 63 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Mountain Brook Ink (November 1, 2019)
  • Publication Date: November 1, 2019
  • Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
  • Language: English

I got a free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own and given voluntarily. No compensation was received for my review.

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