Friday, April 17, 2015

Spring Break - Michigan State Capitol

I had never been to the State Capitol before so it was cool to see the old building in person.

Cool old church we passed on the way to the Capitol

Andy wanted a picture of the parking meters.
He'd never seen them before so he thought they were cool!

Sitting on the glass floor/ceiling

Looking up to the top of the dome

We tacked on with a scheduled group

Governor's office 

Neat hinges

The doorknobs were also decorated with the state seal

Grandpa and the kids waiting for the group under the portrait of our "Native Son", President Jerry Ford

House of Representatives 

Ceiling of the House Chambers

Michigan's 1st State Supreme Court Justice

The glass floor/ceiling from above

Old State Supreme Court Chambers

Bottom of the stairway

side of the stairway

1 comment:

  1. You got some neat pictures of the Capital but I think I like the one of Andy by the parking meters the best.
