Sunday, June 8, 2008

When Your Church Meets in a Multipurpose Building

...there can be drawbacks and benefits. Like in the winter, the back section was very cold and the front was warm. Now that it is warm outside, the back section was hot and the front section was cool!

Last week, Sarah pointed out that at the end of the playing field was a "pool thing" laying on the floor. Well, it turned out that it was an inflatable obstacle course. After church, the kids had a ball playing on it, helped out by the teens.

Here's Sarah going through.

Climbing up!

Sliding down!

Emily's turn!

Sliding down with Steve. I wasn't sure if Emily would like the big hill, but she loved it!

At the beginning, the teens just carried Emily up because she was too short to climb up the wall. I suggested they help her "climb".

"Big Emily" is helping Emily climb the wall.

Dan went through with Emily.

Getting a hand on the climbing wall.

Dan sliding down.

Emily sliding down to Dan.

I took a video of the girls going through to show how much fun they had! I didn't think about it, but I shot the video sideways! I especially love the part right after "Big Emily" puts Emily onto the floor.

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