Sunday, January 9, 2011

Laundry Day Mystery

Friday when I was doing my laundry, I started to fold my light colored load and found this:

It looked like gold flecks and I thought some sort of paint pen, but we didn't have any as far as I was aware.

I found about 2 dozen items with gold splotches of varying sizes.


Then I found the culprit!
I have no idea where the copper crayon came from as I don't recall seeing one in recent history!

It was hollowed out.

I hand scrubbed the things with Dawn dishwashing soap

The boys liked checking on the laundry being washed in Dawn.


The after isn't so great, but better than before. I may try again, but it will have to wait!


Martha said...

For ball point stains,the trick I learned was to saturate the fabric with cheap hairspray and then scrub with liquid dish soap. I don't know if it works on crayons

Maureen said...

For that type of stain, you need a special stain-removing soap, because crayons are wax. Sadly, if they've been washed now, and perhaps put through the dryer, they are more-or-less "set". But you could always try, with a product like the little yellow stick of stain remover we can get here, called "Exit" - or one of those instant stain-removing applicators. Failing that, try a paste of bicarbonate of soda and hot water, and leave it soaking as long as possible in as hot water as the fabric will stand.